Honest, these would truly be more "chip-like" fried, but it's 2013 and we need to be good to our bodies, yes? So preheat your oven to 400 and start slicing. Here's what you'll need:
A bundle of turnips - how many did I use here? Unsure. Maybe 6. Again, new to this.
a tablespoon or two of olive oil
2 tsp dried rosemary
1 T honey (or agave if you're not down with honey. One of these days I might post a rant about why I vehemently support local honey, why I'm vegan, and why I think it is important to be good to our earth and our bodies. One day!)
So this is simple. Now that your oven is heating, search the house for the best slicing knife you have. It's good to slice these as thinly as you can. Hell, use of them fancy burshz-wah slicing attachments to your food processor, I don't care. Of course, first you need to rinse and peel your turnips, then get to slicing. (Balmorhea is good slicing music, if you were wondering.)
Toss these slices with remaining ingredients - olive oil, honey and rosemary. Then spread them on a baking sheet with as few slices piled on top of each other as possible. Stick those shits in the oven for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes, remove from the oven and flip each slice with a fork. Because these are hot. Duh.Stick back in the oven for another 20 minutes.
Voila! I served mine with sauteed broccoli and grape tomatoes. Yum dawg.
Holler if you're down with turnips - really, I could use some root vegetable inspiration. Rootspiration?